lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012


There was a faint humming that filled
the air from the small room's air
conditioning, as well as the many
whispers. I frowned, stretching in my
chair and glancing around me impatiently.
There were 9 other people in the room,
waiting just as I was and all of them
seemed to be college students too.
I yawned, glancing at my watch and
wondering when the show was going to
start. Or more specifically, when it was
going to be over so that I could collect my
money. It wasn't cheap going to college,
especially when you didn't have anyone to
help you. There was no way that I could
turn down the ten thousand that they
were offering.
I'd been bouncing around foster homes
since I was 13 and you didn't really build
a lot of financial resources that way. In
fact, I'd frequently had to work almost all
of my free time since I'd started college
the year before earning more money for
my continuing education. But it was
never easy. That was why I'd jumped at
this chance for some quick cash.
All I had to do was volunteer for some
experiment with vitamin enhancements
or some other such when they offered it
to me. At the time, I'd thought that it was
a little strange that they'd come to me...
but I needed the money so wasn't going to
ask too many questions. To my surprise,
as soon as I'd filled out the paperwork and
signed the nondisclosure agreement,
they'd sent my by plane out to this
building in California, giving me the most
thorough physical that I'd ever had,
before sending me to this room filled with
other people who seemed to be in the
same situation.
After yawning again, I looked over at the
girl sitting in the chair next to me. She
was rather cute, with short black hair
that had a white lock, which dangled from
her forehead. However, with the
somewhat dark makeup and the ring in
her nose... not to mention her dark
clothes, I guessed her to be a Goth... not
exactly my type.
The girl noticed me looking at her and
gave me a dirty glare. “Whatcha looking
at, perv?”
I shrugged, muttering, “Not much.” as I
turned away.
However, just then the door to the room
opened and a man in a gray suit entered.
He had dark brown hair, speckled with
gray, and he wasted no time in going to
the podium in front and staring at us.
“Hello.” he said simply, “My name is
McKenzie.” He left it at that, not
bothering to give any more details. “And I
suppose you are all wondering exactly
what you are doing here?”
“That's an understatement.” I muttered,
earning a few dirty looks from those
around me.
McKenzie slowly looked around the room,
saying, “All ten of you have three things
in common. You have all volunteered for
Project Miracle, you are all college
students of approximately the same age,
and...” he paused dramatically, “None of
you have close family connections.”
I frowned, wondering why that sounded
so ominous. “Great.” I muttered to myself
“Do not take this the wrong way though.”
McKenzie continued. “This experiment
does have potential dangers, but we
believe that they are very minimal. We
just do not wish to complicate matters
with family involvement... just in case.”
“Excuse me... sir...” A rather gangly boy
with glasses asked, “But what is this
Project Miracle?”
McKenzie smiled at that, making me guess
that he'd actually been waiting for
someone to ask that question.
“Remember...” McKenzie said in a serious
tone, “you have all signed nondisclosure
agreements. You are not allowed to
repeat to ANYONE what I am going to tell
My stomach churned slightly at that but
my curiosity level nearly jumped through
the roof. “So what is it?” I asked aloud,
“Did you catch a UFO with Elvis in it?” I
asked sarcastically, “That would certainly
be a miracle.”
Several of the other volunteers chuckled
while the others gave me dirty looks.
McKenzie just glared at me for a moment
before he stated, “I believe you are all
familiar with her.” And with that,
McKenzie pushed a button on the podium
and a picture appeared on the video
screen behind him.
There was a picture of a woman on the
screen, with long blonde hair and an
unbelievable build. Tall, athletic and
voluptuous at the same time. The kind of
body that women envied and men drooled
over. However, the most noticeable
feature was the fact that she was wearing
a red and gold spandex costume. I
instantly recognized her, as did everyone
else in the room.
“Ms. Miracle.” I whispered. She was one
of the most famous super- heroes ever...
even though she had been killed 6 years
earlier by some crazed super-villain called
Baron Nevermore.
“As you are all aware...” McKenzie
announced, “Ms. Miracle was killed in
action 6 years ago.” He paused for a
moment before continuing, “What you are
not aware of is that our organization had
acquired her body shortly afterwards to
study the cause of her powers. In part,
we failed.”
There was a whispering around the room
at McKenzie's announcement, but for once
I was quiet, wondering what the point of
this was. “However,” McKenzie continued
after the room had quieted down, “our
scientists were able to derive a serum
from her blood. A serum which might
potentially give enhanced abilities... super
powers if you will, to some people.”
I gulped, “You've got to be shitting us.”
“I assure you,” McKenzie said calmly, “this
is no hoax. But it has been determined
that this serum is most likely to work on
those between 16 and 20 years of age...
which is why you are here.” We were all
staring at him silently in disbelief.
After giving us a minute to digest this,
McKenzie said, this time with more
emotion, “The world is becoming a
dangerous place and there are many
individuals using these powers against
others... and they are slowly growing
more numerous. The super- heroes are
struggling to keep up... so we are
attempting create our own.”
For the next several minutes, McKenzie
told us that there had only been enough
‘materials' from Ms. Miracle's body to
create 50 doses, which were to be used in
5 groups of 10. We were just one. Then
he added that the process was
theoretically safe, but that there were no
“Now that you are all aware of the
details,” McKenzie said finally, looking
around, “this is your last chance to
change your mind. To go home with half
the payment... as stated in the contract,
or to continue and possibly develop
enhanced abilities. To possibly become...
I stared at McKenzie for a moment in
shock, then looked around the room,
wondering what each of the others would
decide. As for me... I didn't like the idea
of being a human guinea pig, but the idea
of maybe getting some kind of super
power seemed so interesting. Finally,
after several long minutes, I finally made
up my mind. I'd do it.
After the meeting with McKenzie, we
were all escorted to our rooms. All except
for the 2 people in our group who had
elected to leave. Apparently though
McKenzie's people had expected
something like that and had recruited
more people than they needed, just so
that they would have some back ups.
Several hours later, a man knocked on my
door, directing me and my roommate to
follow him. I didn't even look at the guy I
was supposedly sharing the room with as
I followed the man who'd come for us...
wondering if I'd made the right choice.
The man led us to what was obviously the
lab... though it looked like a large doctors
office. A woman with streaked gray and
brown hair that was tied back in a bun
stood directly in the middle, dressed in a
white lab coat.
“I am Doctor Alvere.” the woman stated,
looking at all 10 of us. “I will be
administering the shots and will be
monitoring any signs of development.”
She paused, and then stated almost
calmly, “Any developing abilities should
appear within a 24 hour period. If there is
no development within that time... then
there will not be any at all. However, we
will monitor you all for 72 hours to be
“Let's get this over with.” The girl I'd sat
next to in the room interrupted. I could
have sworn that she sounded a little
Dr. Alvere nodded, then reached for a
syringe that was in a box on the table
before carefully going over to the first
person. She swabbed his arm with
alcohol, gave him the shot, and then
moved on to the next person.
When Dr. Alvere got to the girl I'd been
sitting next to, the girl turned her head,
refusing to look at where she was being
given the shot. I couldn't help but
noticing that she had her eyes shut tightly
and had a tense look on her face.
“What's the matter?” I asked, “Chicken?”
The girl glared at me, rubbing at her arm,
“So I don't like needles.”
I nearly choked at that. There she was
sitting across from me with a nose ring...
and from what I could see, a small rose
tattoo on her arm... and she didn't like
“Yeah, right.” I snorted.
Next, Dr. Alvere stepped up to me with a
fresh syringe. “Why do I feel like I'm in a
bad sci-fi movie?” I asked her, just before
she stuck me with the needle. “Ouch. I'd
think you'd never done that before.”
To my surprise, Dr. Alvere smiled, “Oh,
I'm sorry... but my assistant, Igor, usually
takes care of the shots.” I grinned back at
that, even as she pulled the needle back
out. I was beginning to like the old gal.
Once the doc had finished giving all 10 of
us our shots, she gestured for us all to
move closer. After we had done that, she
opened a box and pulled out something
that looked like a watch, holding it out
for us to see.
“This device is for monitoring your
heartbeat and biorhythms for any
changes. Should any occur, it will
immediately alert me. And should you
notice any changes or anything strange
yourself, press this button...” She pushed
in a red button on the watch. “This will
also alert me.”
“Great,” I exclaimed, “I've always wanted
a James Bond watch.”
Dr. Alvere started handing out the
watches. When I got mine, I stretched the
elastic band for a moment, and then
shrugged before slipping it over my wrist.
“Now,” Dr. Alvere told us, smiling faintly,
“you may go back to your rooms or
remain in the recreation area. But DO
NOT remove the monitors. Even to
After we'd all nodded our understanding,
we all went our separate ways. I hung
around my room for a little while before
getting bored and going to the rec room
that was just down the hall. It had a big
screen TV, with a couple guys already
watching it, a foosball table and a pool
“What?” I ask loudly, “All this money and
no Playstation?”
“Cheap bastards aren't they?” I heard
from behind me.
Turning around, I saw the girl with the
white lock in her hair. “Hey,” I stuck out
my hand, “I'm Dave.”
She stared at me for a moment, and then
slowly stuck out her own hand. “Beth.”
Apparently she decided that I wasn't
contagious after all.
I nodded, and then glanced towards the
guys playing pool for a moment before
looking back at her. “So what's your
Beth snorted. “What's yours?”
“I asked you first.” I grinned.
For a moment Beth looked as if she was
going to get angry, then a faint smile
formed on her lips. “Oh, the usual. Dad
was a one night stand and I've never met
him and mom died of cancer last year.”
She shrugged. “Needed some extra dough
for tuition.”
“Oh.” I responded, feeling a little
embarrassed. I hadn't expected her to
actually tell me.
“Okay smart-ass...” Beth said, “It's your
I sighed. “All right.” I took a deep breath.
“My dad died when I was a kid, killed in a
bank robbery.” I gulped, not looking at
Beth as I continued, “And when I was 13,
my mom went out to get dinner... and
never came back.” I winced, hating to
think about that... trying not to let my
bitterness show.
Beth just gave me a faint look of pity.
Shrugging, I muttered, “It was a long time
ago.” And, I couldn't help remembering, a
long time in foster homes... some less
than pleasant.
For a minute, Beth and I just stood there
silently, and then she finally broke the
silence. “Pool?” She gestured towards the
now empty pool table. I nodded, glad to
change the subject.
Several hours after I'd been given my
shot, I finally got to see the other groups.
I was sitting in the cafeteria, which
reminded me of the one from back in high
school, but much smaller. It was also
filled with what I guessed to be about 50
other college students, both male and
female. The other groups.
I dug into my food with mess than my
usual enthusiasm, probably because it
was less than the usual quality. However,
I had to admit that it sure beat anything
that they had in high school. At the same
time, I glanced at Beth... then gave a
much longer look at the hot red head
sitting at the next table. I certainly
wouldn't mind having my way with her.
“And just what are you looking at?” Beth
asked, snapping me to. I gave her my best
‘who me?' look, but she turned to see
who I'd been staring at, then turned back
with a faint grin. “Okay, so she's cute.”
I just grinned back, feeling a little bit
embarrassed at having been caught in the
act. However, that didn't keep me from
giving the red head another quick look.
Suddenly there was a scream from the
next table over. I jumped to my feet,
wondering what the hell was going on,
then gasping when I saw it. There was a
black guy whose skin seemed to be
covered with something that looked like
ice or crystals.
“Oh shit.” I gasped, seeing that everyone
was jumping away from him.
Some guy several seats down yelled, “Call
Dr. Alvere!” Apparently though she
already knew because several seconds
later she burst into the cafeteria.
“Calm down everyone.” Dr. Alvere
announced, rushing to the black guy and
examining him. “This is just the initial
manifestation of his powers. Everyone go
back to eating.” And with that, Dr. Alvere
led the man out of the cafeteria, probably
for more examinations.
I just turned to Beth and muttered,
“Spooky. I wonder how you'd look with
all that stuff.” Then, I grinned, adding,
“But you'd probably like it.”
“You might be right.” Beth told me with a
grin, “You might be right.”
Inside though, I couldn't help wondering
just exactly what had I gotten myself into.
After kicking back in my room for awhile,
I quickly grew bored and returned to the
rec room. I looked around, seeing most of
the people from my group, but not really
knowing them. Then, I realized that the
only people I knew from my group were
my roommate... whom I didn't
particularly like... and Beth.
“Hey,” I said to an Asian girl that was
sitting on the couch, watching TV, “Have
you seen Beth around?” I figured that she
was probably in her room, but I didn't
know which one she was in.
“Who?” the Asian girl asked.
Sighing, I went on, “The Goth girl. You
know, with the nose ring and all.”
From her expression, the girl realized
whole I meant. “Oh, her.” She nodded her
head. “Yeah, she started spazzing out a
little while ago so the doc took her away.
“Guess she's got super-powers now.” A
chubby guy sitting a short distance away
said, sounding envious.
After thanking them, I turned around,
figuring that I might as well practice on
the pool table, trying not to think about
Beth. I didn't know why, but I was
actually feeling worried about her.
Fifteen minutes later, I was involved in a
game of pool against myself since no one
else wanted to play at the moment. Then I
noticed that McKenzie had come into the
room. I immediately put my pool stick
“So what's up?” I asked him.
McKenzie looked around the room then
back at me. “I was just checking to see
how the rest of you were doing since one
of your group has already manifested.”
“How is Beth?” I asked, trying to sound
just curious rather than worried.
“She is doing fine.” McKenzie told me. “At
the moment she is still being examined by
Dr. Alvere to verify that she is stable...
and to determine the nature of her
developing powers.” He paused for a
moment, adding, “If she does possess any
that is. A reaction to the serum may not
be any sort of guarantee.”
Everyone else was looking at us
curiously, and McKenzie nodded to me
before walking around and asking
everyone else how they were doing. I just
sighed, deciding that I didn't really feel
like hanging out around the rec room any
more. Sure, I was curious to see if anyone
else would have a reaction, but at the
same time it felt sort of morbid. Like
hanging out around a nursing home to see
old folks die.
Once McKenzie had finished whatever he
was in there for and left, I did the same
thing, returning to my room. But even as
I did so, I knew that I'd soon be bored out
of my mind and probably return to the rec
room before too long.
Later that night, I was asleep, having
strange dreams when I suddenly woke up,
feeling extremely strange, not to mention
sick. Every muscle in my body was aching
and I had the shakes. I sat up in my bed,
groaning from the churning in my
“Oh God.” I gasped weakly. Turning
towards the other bed in the room, I
called out to my roommate, “Richie...”
However, once I opened my eyes and
looked at a little more clearly, I saw that
it was empty. He was probably out in the
rec room or cafeteria.
I groaned as the shakes shot through my
body harder. All I could do was curl up
into a ball while my whole body went into
spasms. Every muscle ached even more
and I had to concentrate just to breathe.
“What did they do to me?” I whispered,
vaguely remembering the band on my
My whole body felt like it was burning,
but I didn't even have the strength at the
moment to scream from the pain. Instead,
I curled up tighter... or at least tried to,
as my body didn't want to respond.
Instead, I just remained motionless on the
bed, vaguely aware when someone else
entered the room and shook me.
“Are you all right?” Dr. Alvere asked in a
worried voice. I opened my eyes and saw
her, looking rather blurry at the moment.
“We're going to move you for better
“Damn.” I heard some man mutter as they
moved me to a cart they'd brought in,
“You'd think they'd give these guys their
own rooms if they knew something like
this was going to happen.”
I had to agree with him. After this, nearly
everything else was just a blur.
* * * * *
When I finally came back to my senses, I
didn't know how much time had passed. I
only sat up and looked around, seeing
that I was all alone in a room with metal
walls. Even the door looked extremely
sturdy, and there were video cameras
visible on the corners.
“I am not alone.” I muttered, my voice
sounding strange to my ears.
Freezing, I suddenly realized that I felt
extremely weird. It wasn't just one thing
either, it was EVERYTHING.
Gulping, I slowly moved my eyes down,
seeing that I was in a hospital bed and
covered with a large white sheet. And
from the feeling against my skin, I knew
that I was naked underneath it. However,
what instantly drew my attention and
made my eyes shoot open was that the
shape of my body under the sheet was
very wrong.
I hesitated for a moment, and then threw
the sheet back, gasping in shock at what
was revealed. My whole body was
obviously... and drastically changed. That
was revealed with just the faintest glance
and I was doing more than just that. On
my chest were two big... tits.
“I've got boobs.” I gasped, hesitantly
touching them. They seemed rather big
For a moment I just stared at them, then
at my hands, which were nothing like my
own. My fingers were more slender and
feminine, even having a woman's
fingernails. Then my eyes shifted,
noticing the lack of hair on my arms...
not to mention the rest of my obviously
now female body.
“Oh shit!” I exclaimed, sitting upright and
my crotch. “I'm... I'm...” I gulped, “I've
got a fucking pussy.” I hesitantly touched
it with my finger and shivered at the
pleasant sensation.
Then, I noticed the round circles that
were stuck to my skin all over. Obviously
monitors of some sort, probably
connected to some of the machines I saw
in the corner. I lowered my legs from the
bed and sat there, staring down at myself
in stunned disbelief. It couldn't be
happening. It was impossible.
I grimaced and pulled the monitors off of
my skin, feeling not the slightest pulling
from them. Not like the painful removal
of band-aids from my old hairy
appendages. Then, after pulling off all of
the monitors off of me, I hopped off the
bed and stood there, feeling extremely
uncomfortable and a bit off balance.
Everything about my body felt wrong. But
at the same time, oddly nice, though I
couldn't understand how.
“This is fucking impossible.” I muttered,
reaching down and running my hands
over my body. It felt good... and my body
felt very firm under my hands.
After a moment of just standing there,
running my hands over myself in shock, I
realized that there was a lavatory off to
the side, just as in almost any hospital
room. I gulped then slowly started
towards it, sure that I just had to be
As soon as I was inside, I stopped in front
of the mirror and stared at the reflection
with my eyes about to pop out.
“Now I know I'm dreaming.” I whispered.
The reflection in the mirror was entirely
female... and an extremely hot looking
one at that. Almost impossibly hot. Her
body was the most erotic thing that I'd
ever seen, and athletic looking as well.
She... I had a generous pair of tits that
seemed unbelievably firm at the same
time, and the face of an angel. Then my
eyes went to the long blonde hair that
cascaded down her back, with my fingers
reaching back to touch it at the same
time, verifying that it was real.
“No fucking way.” I gasped, staring at a
familiar image, though one, which I'd
always seen, dressed in red and gold.
Somehow... I'd been turned into the
spitting image of Ms. Miracle.
I was still standing there, staring at myself
in shock when Dr. Alvere came in. At
first, she just stood there at the lavatory
entry, watching me silently. Watching me
with mixed looks of surprise and curiosity
running along her face, though she kept
trying to cover them up with one of
“Simply amazing.” Dr. Alvere finally said.
Slowly turning towards her, I gasped,
“What the hell happened to me?” I
grabbed my tits and in a spurt of near
panic screamed, “I'VE GOT TITS!”
Dr. Alvere stepped back, and quickly
explained, “You've been slipping in and
out of consciousness for over 17 hours...
and transformed to this in that time.”
“I... I... I look like...” I stammered
weakly, still too stunned to think clearly.
“Like Ms. Miracle.” Dr. Alvere finished
quietly. Then she looked down and froze,
her eyes locked on the door. When I
looked to where she was staring, I was
startled to see the bathroom door handle
was sort of dented. “And it appears you
may have more than just her
appearance.” Dr. Alvere finished.
I just stared at the door handle, shaking
my head and gulping nervously. I was
dreaming. I had to be. I know that I'd
volunteered to get super powers, but this
was nothing like what they said to
expect. And why the hell did I look like
“Why do I...” I whispered, staring straight
into Dr. Alvere's eyes, gesturing down at
myself in the same time.
“I don't know.” she answered me gently,
“But I am going to find out.”
With that, Dr. Alvere handed me a bundle
that I hadn't even realized that she'd been
holding. I unfolded it, seeing that it was a
gray jumpsuit, which made me suddenly
realize that I was standing in front of Dr.
Alvere completely naked. I blushed
horribly as I climbed into the jumpsuit,
my embarrassment being dulled by my
shock, but not completely overridden.
Once I was dressed, Dr. Alvere gently told
me to follow her so that we could find
out the answers to the questions that we
both were filled with. I gulped, hating the
idea of other people seeing me like that
but even more afraid of being stuck.
Several minutes later, Dr. Alvere had led
me to another room... another lab, but
definitely not the one that I'd been given
my shot in. This one was filled with a lot
more expensive looking equipment that I
had no idea what it was all for.
First, Dr. Alvere weighed me and
measured my height, surprising me with
the fact that I was now 6 foot 2, about 2
and a half inches taller than I had been.
Then she put me through several other
tests, using more of the monitor pads and
a number of the big and confusing looking
“Interesting.” Dr. Alvere kept muttering,
nearly driving me crazy with that word.
Throughout the tests, I tried as hard as I
could not to look down at myself, even
though I was burning with curiosity to do
just that. It was especially hard since she
made me take off the jump suit for most
of the tests. It was bad enough being seen
like that in front of her, so at least she'd
locked the doors and was doing
everything herself.
“None of the other subjects have
demonstrated anything like this.” Dr.
Alvere finally told me, sounding a little
thrilled. “I have no idea as to why your
reaction was so... extreme, but I promise
you that I will find out.”
“Thanks.” I responded, not looking at her.
Instead, I was staring at my completely
unfamiliar hands.
“What about the others?” I asked her,
trying to distract myself.
Dr. Alvere hesitated for a moment, and
then told me, “Approximately 30 percent
of the subjects had some sort of reaction
to the serum, though most of those
seemed to be allergic reactions with no
development. There were 4 subjects who
developed what could be considered to be
minor super powers.” She paused for a
moment, giving me a faint smile. “They
developed almost completely useless
abilities which I believe might fade in
“Useless?” I prodded.
“One can move a quarter across a table
with his mind.” Dr. Alvere told me, “But
not much else. One can change her skin
color to blue and back to normal. One can
blow soap bubbles out of his mouth...”
Dr. Alvere said, and then paused looking
rather sad. “And unfortunately, one young
man developed the ability to explode...
but only once.” She said the last in a near
I gulped, looking down at myself again
with an “Oh.”
“But there have also been several
successes.” Dr. Alvere told me before
quickly changing the subject. “Now let's
get a blood sample.”
A minute later, Dr. Alvere stuck a needle
into my arm... or at least she tried. The
needle didn't want to go in and bent
when she tried forcing it. She cursed and
tried again with similar results.
“Come here.” Dr. Alvere told me,
directing me to another room to the side
of the lab. Once I was in, I could see a
treadmill and something that looked sort
of like a nautilus machine from the gym.
“Let's see how much you can lift.”
I grimaced, wanting to get back to
normal, but Dr. Alvere insisted. I looked
down at my tits and then, after putting
the jumpsuit back on, climbed into the
bench press to do what she asked. At first
the weight was extremely light, but it
quickly started to get heavier. Once it got
the point where I could no longer lift it,
Dr. Alvere told me to stop.
“How much was that?” I asked, and then
gasped when she showed me a digital
readout. “Four hundred and seven
pounds.” That was well over twice what
I'd ever been able to lift before.
“Interesting.” was all Dr. Alvere would
say before having me start on some other
tests, including running on the treadmill.
I had to have those stupid monitor
patches on me for all of them though and
grew more and more frustrated as the
session went on for over another hour.
Finally, I spat, “No more. I just want to be
me again.” I glared at her as if it was all
her fault, though about to burst into tears
at the same time. “What the hell is wrong
with me?”
Dr. Alvere gently set her clipboard down
and gave me a soft look. “I am trying to
find out.” she told me in a quiet voice,
“But I need your help.” After this, she just
watched me for a moment until I nodded
my understanding. I didn't like it, but I'd
try to stay calm. “Now look at this.” she
told me, turning towards the digital
readout for the weights which she'd made
me lift again, after all the other tests.
My eyes went wide as I saw it. Last time
it had read just 407LBS, now it read
439LBS, and after all the other tests and
running that she'd made me do.
“How...” I started, feeling confused.
“You ran for thirty minutes at Olympic
speeds... and barely even raised your
heart beat.” Dr. Alvere told me in a
serious voice. “Your reflexes are simply
amazing. And with this...” she looked
thoughtful. “I know that this is nowhere
near what Ms. Miracle was capable of...
but if I am correct, you will continue to
develop until...”
“No fucking way.” I whispered,
interrupting Dr. Alvere. I didn't believe
her... or more accurately, I couldn't
believe her. There was no way that she
could possibly be right. I was a normal
guy... not some Ms. Miracle look alike. I
knew that I might get powers from that
shot, but this was impossible.
Dr. Alvere just nodded and promised to
keep looking for what caused my extreme
reaction to the serum... and if it could be
reversed. However, from the excitement I
kept glimpsing from her, I wondered if
she was really going to give it her all. I
certainly hoped so.
For several minutes, I just stood there,
staring at my figure through the jumpsuit,
still unable to believe that it was mine.
That I actually looked like the famous Ms.
Miracle. That I had actually turned into a
Suddenly Dr. Alvere set her hand on my
shoulder, saying, “I know that this must
be very difficult for you.” I nodded,
knowing that she had no idea. “Perhaps it
might help to meet the others.”
The thought of meeting other people in
my new body terrified me. I felt so...
ashamed. So embarrassed. However, from
the look in Dr. Alvere's eyes, it was
obvious that this wasn't just a suggestion.
A minute later, we were standing in front
of another door and Dr. Alvere gently told
me, “They don't know about...” She
paused, chuckling slightly before adding,
“They don't know who you are... only
that there has been one more person who
was developing.”
With that, Dr. Alvere opened the door and
stepped inside, saying, “Everyone, I have
someone to introduce... your final
Then, the doc gestured for me enter. I
stopped just inside and looked around,
seeing that it was a fairly small room, but
occupied with 4 other people. I
recognized the black guy that they'd taken
from the cafeteria, though he no longer
had the stuff on his skin, as well as the
hot red head I'd seen there. There was
also one guy, a tall skinny white guy with
glasses, though I didn't recognize him,
and finally...
“Beth.” I whispered, half in surprise and
half in relief. She was okay.
At the same time, I noticed the look on
her face. On all of their faces. The two
guys were staring at me with what was
obvious lust... making me even more self
conscious and uncomfortable than before,
which I hadn't even thought possible.
Beth and the red head had envy in their
eyes, but I didn't miss the flash of
recognition that passed over several of
their faces.
“What the fuck?” the black guy gasped,
“Another volunteer like you.” Dr. Alvere
interjected, “Just having a much stronger
reaction to the serum than expected.”
They all still stared at me until Beth
gasped, “How did you know my name?”
I looked at Dr. Alvere, knowing that I had
to be blushing badly. How the hell could I
tell her who I was? I gulped nervously.
“It's your choice.” she told me, patting me
reassuringly on my shoulder before she
left the room.
For a minute, I just stood there silently,
staring at the others, feeling their eyes on
me. Finally, I gulped and moved towards
Beth, who was now standing up and
watching me suspiciously. “It's me.” I told
her, forcing the words out, “Dave.”
Beth just stared at me in confused
disbelief before spitting out, “No fucking
way. Who the hell are you?” She was
beginning to look angry.
“It is me.” I protested, holding my hands
up. “I... went to bed and woke up like
this.” I gestured down at myself. “The doc
doesn't know why yet.” This last was said
in a near whisper.
“Dave?” Beth whispered.
“Dave?” the black guy echoed, staring at
me as though I'd just grown a bunch of
slimy tentacles. “You're a fucking guy?”
The red head just muttered, “Wow. And
the serum did THAT?” She shook her
head, muttering, “Can I get another dose?”
The other guy just stared, not saying a
Then, feeling extremely embarrassed, I sat
down, watching the others nervously. All
except Beth who sat down next to me and
softly grabbed my hand, holding it to
comfort me, much to my surprise. I felt at
least a little more confident because of
Taking a deep breath, I looked at the
others... remembering the purpose of the
experiment. To create super-heroes. Then
they... and myself were the results, so I
decided that I had better get to know
them just a little better, as Dr. Alvere had
obviously intended.
I squirmed a little in my chair, feeling
uncomfortable; not only in my own body,
but also with the way the others kept
looking at me. It was bad enough when
they'd thought I was all woman, but now
that they knew it seemed a little worse.
But on the other hand, I also felt as if a
little weight had been pulled from my
Beth, I already knew, and had just been
introduced to the others. The black guy
was Mike Green. The tall skinny guy
who'd barely said a word was named
Allan Everson, and the hot looking red
head was Sabrina Shaw.
Taking a deep breath, I pulled my hands
from where they'd been crossed in my lap
and gripped my chair, trying keep from
showing the others how uncomfortable I
was. Hell, I had tits hanging off my chest
and was missing my cock. My whole body
felt wrong and sitting there chatting was
the last thing that I really wanted to do at
the moment.
“So...” I finally said, “Since you've all
developed, what exactly do you all do?”
Beth suddenly grinned, jumping out of
her chair. “Watch this.”
And with that, she walked straight to the
door and paused, giving me a cocky look
before she suddenly put her hand up flat
against the door, obviously concentrating.
To my surprise, her hand started to look
sort black and sparkly at the same time,
sinking right through the door as if it was
nothing more than water. A moment
later, Beth pulled her hand back out and
it returned to its normal appearance.
“Cool huh?” Beth said, looking rather
“Wow.” I muttered, staring at her in
“Found out I could do that after they
hauled my ass away.” she told me.
Allan frowned, adjusting his glasses. “But
they said that we weren't supposed to use
our abilities outside of a controlled
environment until we have better
“She can move water by thinking about
it.” Beth told me. “Aquakinesis.”
Sabrina waved at me.
“I have some sort of electrical ability.”
Allan said quietly
“And I can kick all your asses.” Mike
responded, though from the grin on his
face I could tell that he wasn't too
But before I could get anything more out
of him, the door opened and McKenzie
stepped in. He looked at me with a
curious expression, and then shook his
head faintly. “Simply amazing.” Then he
sighed, getting to the point. “It appears
that there are no more who developed
significant abilities and it seems extremely
unlikely at this point that there will be.
According to Dr. Alvere, the serum will
have already passed through the rest of
their systems and if they haven't
developed as of yet, they will not develop
at all.”
“So it's just us.” Mike muttered. “I can
handle that.”
McKenzie nodded, then said, “We'll be
moving to another location. One which is
more secure since too many know about
this place.”
Then, just as McKenzie started to turn
away, I couldn't resist asking, “How do
you know none of us will become super-
villains instead?”
“We knew that there was a faint risk of
that.” McKenzie answered slowly,
“However we minimized that by selecting
people who we believed had a high
enough moral character to avoid that.”
“Yeah,” Beth burst out, getting into the
spirit of it, “and why did you guys want
people with no families? Wouldn't people
with families have more to keep them
from going bad? I mean, who'd want to
take over or destroy the world when they
might hurt their families.”
“We hadn't considered that.” McKenzie
answered after a minute, sounding rather
“Don't seem like they thought of very
much.” Mike muttered. “I mean, moving
us from room to room. And check out the
security of this place.”
“Kind of disappointing ain't it?” I grinned,
feeling a little more like my old self. We
were all still laughing when McKenzie
escaped from the room, obviously
Dinner was very quiet compared to eating
at the cafeteria. It was just the five of us
eating, and the room was much smaller,
not to mention the food better. Dr.
Alvere, McKenzie and whatever other
people they had helping them had
apparently already eaten or were eating
“What's it like?” Allan asked me, sounding
rather embarrassed to be asking the
question. But not as embarrassed as I was
to hear it. “I mean, turning into a girl.
Looking like HER.”
“Yeah,” Beth said, looking at me with a
worried expression, “are you all right?”
For a moment, I just sat there, thinking
about it. Finally, I answered, “It's...
strange. REALLY strange.” Taking a
breath, I looked down at my tits and
gulped, “It's all so sudden... I guess I'm
still in shock.”
With that, I grabbed for my glass of soda,
trying not to think about it. However,
almost as soon as my hand closed around
the glass, it shattered in my hand. I stared
at, then at my hand, which didn't have a
single scratch on it.
“Klutz.” Mike muttered, grinning faintly.
Sabrina just asked, “Are you all right?” I
held my hand up in response, showing
the others that I was fine.
I stared at it again myself, a sinking
feeling in my stomach. “I've got to go.” I
told the others, quickly getting to my feet
and wincing as my chair bent where I'd
grabbed it.
There was no way that I could be that
strong... even looking as I did, but there
was no doubting the damage I'd left
behind. With that, I rushed out the door,
being extra careful not to break that too,
though I wasn't sure if there was a new
dent in the knob or not when I left.
After leaving the others behind, I
immediately went to find Dr. Alvere, not
knowing why, but suspecting that she
was the only one who could help me. If I
kept going the way I was, I'd soon be
breaking everything that I touched.
A short while later, Dr. Alvere sat in front
of me with her clipboard in hand, an
unreadable expression on her face. She
looked at her clipboard and then at the
results of the tests she'd had me take
again before finally looking directly at
“You just lifted over eight hundred
pounds.” she said in quiet amazement.
“Double what you did earlier.”
“But what did you find out?” I demanded
impatiently, freezing when I realized that
she was stepping back nervously. I took a
deep breath and forced myself to calm
down. “Why the hell am I like this when
everyone else just got powers?”
Dr. Alvere looked at me intently for a
moment before reaching over to her desk
for a file. She looked inside it with a
strange expression before she finally
turned her eyes to me with a very curious
“None of the tests revealed anything.” she
said, “Except... that you are physically a
woman. Completely. Even down to your
DNA. I believe that you are even capable
of getting pregnant.”
“Oh.” I whispered, gulping nervously. So
my changes were a lot more than just
skin deep. But then again, after seeing
what I'd done with my strength, I'd
already suspected as much. Just as I was
beginning to suspect that I would never
be myself again. “Can you turn me back?”
I asked anyway.
“I'm afraid not.” Dr. Alvere told me
regretfully. “There was never any
research or intention to reverse the
serum... and even so, I believe that the
changes wrought in your body would be
irreversible anyway.”
Groaning, I turned to leave but Dr. Alvere
called out, “Wait.” When I looked back,
she had the strange look in her eyes
again. A thoughtful... almost confused
look. Her hand was absently rubbing
along the surface of the folder. “I did find
something.” she said quietly.
“What?” I asked, feeling both nervous and
curious at the same time.
Dr. Alvere just stared at me silently for
several seconds before announcing, “I did
some blood tests. I compared your blood
sample and DNA from before your
injection to that of Ms. Miracle, to find
what might have caused your
“And?” I gestured impatiently.
She sat back in her chair, still staring at
me. “They were... very close.” At my
confused look, she said, “Extremely close.
As in they're being a ninety-seven percent
chance that you are closely related to
her.” At that, she gave me a piercing
curious look, as if demanding that I give
her the answers.
“Related?” I whispered, feeling confused.
There was no way that I could possibly be
related to Ms. Miracle. And after a
minute, I told Dr. Alvere as much.
“Perhaps.” Dr. Alvere whispered, still
staring at me strangely. “But please tell
me about your family.”
“What family?” I snarled back, angrier
than I'd intended. It wasn't until then that
I realized that the metal counter I'd been
leaning on was now mangled beneath my
hand. “I was an only child. My dad died
when I was a kid and my mom ran out on
me 6 years ago.” I was shaking as the
memories of all those years in foster
homes came back.
Dr. Alvere gasped, “Wait!” She was
obviously nervous as she set her hand on
mine. “What month was it?” She paused,
asking, “What month did your mother...
I stared at the doc, getting angrier. I
didn't want to think about it. I couldn't.
Then it suddenly hit me what she meant.
My mom had left 6 years earlier... around
the same time that Ms. Miracle had died. I
suddenly shuddered at that, remembering
now. I'd been watching all the news
about Ms. Miracle's death while I was in
the social services office.
“No...” I whispered, staring at Dr. Alvere
in disbelief and horror. “No way.” I
gulped, shaking again, though this time
not from the bitterness. “My mom was
around five foot seven, damn near flat
chested and had brown hair... like mine.”
I gestured down at myself and spat, “I
sure as hell would have noticed if she
looked anything like this.” I glared at Dr.
Alvere, finishing off, “No... she left me.”
For a minute, though it seemed much,
much longer, Dr. Alvere and I just stared
at each other. I was trying to keep calm,
though it wasn't easy. I'd been turned
into a woman... even if it was my own
damn fault for volunteering, and now this
garbage. I didn't need old ghosts being
brought back. Not like that.
“It is possible.” Dr. Alvere finally
whispered, trying to be gentle. “Even
likely. There are a great number of
skitzomorphs among people with
developed abilities.”
“Skitzomorphs?” I repeated, wondering
what the hell that meant.
“Shapeshifters.” she explained. “People
with two or more stable forms, often
accompanied by the developed abilities in
one of these forms.” At this, Dr. Alvere
gently laid her hand on mine again.
“Sometimes when people develop their
enhanced abilities, their body changes
drastically, taking a new form that can
hold those powers. And sometimes...
sometimes they can revert to their
original form and back.”
I just stared at Dr. Alvere, no longer quite
so sure. Hell, I was confused as hell, torn
between my 6 years of bitterness and the
faint hope that maybe she hadn't just run
away from me. But if that was the case...
“No.” I whispered.
“I'd always believed that if Ms. Miracle
had started as a normal human, then her
whole body was likely changed during
her development.” Dr. Alvere still held
my hand as she continued, “It would have
been impossible for her real identity not
to be identified otherwise as she never
wore a mask. There were also things to
indicate that she had another life... and I
believe that the only way she could have
lived another life without being
discovered, was if her form changed.”
Then, Dr. Alvere said the final piece,
“DNA doesn't lie... nor does your
Then, Dr. Alvere finally let go of my hand
and stepped back, watching me with a
sympathetic look in her eyes. I just stood
there, too stunned to speak. Ms. Miracle
was... was my mom. I didn't want to
believe it... or at least not completely, but
a part of me did. Then I wasn't just
abandoned... I was orphaned.
“Thank you.” I whispered, leaving the lab
and heading towards my newest room.
Everything was so... confusing. So
changed. Not just my body, but my entire
life. If what the doc said was true...
which I was strongly beginning to
believe... then my entire life might have
been a lie. Whatever else though, I knew
that I had a LOT to think about.
My finger slowly moved across the cool
glass, tracing features in the mirror.
Pulling my finger back, I continued to
stare at my reflection, as I had for the last
hour, filled with mixed... and confused
emotions. Ever since I had come to my
room, examining my naked body was
nearly all I had done. It was my first
chance to truly do so since I had woken
up, or at least without being in total
I gulped, stepping back a little, not quite
sure whether to be disgusted by my
reflection or turned on. The truth was, as
uncomfortable as it made me; I was also
getting horny at the same time. After all, I
had an extremely sexy woman standing in
front of me, who just happened to be
naked as well. The only problem was that
it was me.
“Or my mom.” I whispered, still finding
that part hard to swallow. But still, even
though the evidence wasn't completely
solid, my gut told me that it was the
Finally, I just stretched my body, amazed
at how good my muscles felt. I was a little
surprised at that, realizing for the first
time just how strong I felt. Until that
moment, I had been so overwhelmed by
the strangeness of my changed body that
I'd completely overlooked it. Or perhaps,
it had only become more noticeable since
I was actually getting stronger. I
shuddered at the thought of how strong I
was... and how strong I'd become, partly
from fear... and partly from anticipation.
That only made me even more nervous.
After another minute, I turned away from
the mirror, still feeling pretty weirded out
about the whole thing. I wasn't sure what
I was going to do... especially since it
looked like I'd be stuck like that. Then I
quickly forced my thoughts away from
that, not wanting to think about it any
“It's been a long day.” I told myself
quietly, even though I hadn't been awake
for the whole thing.
With that, I crawled into my bed and
pulled the covers tight. I couldn't help but
noticing how much further out my chest
was than before, but tried not to dwell on
it. It didn't take me long before I drifted
off to sleep, vaguely wondering what
surprises the next day would bring.
* * * * *
The next morning passed in nearly a
blur. Dr. Alvere tested me again, showing
that I had continued becoming stronger...
and tougher. It was now official, that I
could lift over a ton... which scared and
amazed me at the same time.
Then, as McKenzie had told us, we were
moved to the new facility, while all the
other volunteers were left behind for
further monitoring, just in case one of
them developed late. However, Dr. Alvere
seemed pretty sure that this wouldn't
As soon as we got to the new facility,
McKenzie gave us all a tour, leaving me
impressed. At least we were each given
our own apartment, and mine was bigger
than my old dorm room. However, it only
made me wonder what I... or any of us
was going to do about college since we'd
suddenly all been thrown into the roles of
‘super-heroes in training'. I almost
laughed when I thought about that. I
might look the part, but I sure as hell
didn't feel it.
“Get settled in.” McKenzie told us all after
the tour. “You can all start your training
in a little while and learn to control your
new abilities.” He paused and gave us all
a thoughtful look, staring at me for a
moment before adding, “I know that this
is all new for you, but we're counting on
“Aye, aye sir.” I snapped in a sarcastic
salute, earning chuckles from the others.
McKenzie sighed, shaking his head. “What
did I do to deserve this?” Then he left,
leaving the rest of us to explore our new
surroundings for a little while.
“So what do we do now?” Sabrina asked.
“I mean, it's not like we can go shopping
around here or anything.”
Mike grinned at that and leaned over,
“How about you and I get to know each
other a little better?” From the grin on his
face, I knew that he was just messing
with Sabrina, but I wasn't so sure that
she knew that.
Beth just came over to me, looking a little
curious. “You doing all right Dave? I
mean, the way you ran out yesterday...”
“I'm all right.” I told her, forcing a smile.
“It's just that everything is so confusing
right now. This body, my strength, my
“What about your mom?” Beth asked.
I stared at her, not having meant to say
anything. “It's just that...”
But before I could say anything, the room
we were in suddenly exploded with blue
sparks. I snapped around and saw that
they were all coming from Allan.
“Sorry.” he sputtered, just as the sparks
stopped. “I didn't mean to.”
I groaned, knowing that I certainly
couldn't blame him. After all, I kept
breaking things when I wasn't too careful.
Our powers were all too new, which
explained why we needed to learn to
control them.
“Let's go look around our new home.” I
suggested impulsively, already starting
off. The others quickly followed me.
It was some hours since we'd moved into
our new facility and McKenzie had come
back, telling us that it was time to
practice with our new abilities. I sighed,
having been doing just that ever since
Allan's earlier... incident.
As it was, we were all standing in this
gym type room that we were supposed to
practice in. There were all sorts of things
scattered around it for our training.
I looked down at the egg that was in my
hand, then back at McKenzie. So far I
hadn't broken that egg while holding it,
though I'd broken numerous others
before I started getting the hang of being
gentle. It was getting easier.
“All right then.” McKenzie said, looking
us all over, “I suppose now would be a
good time to demonstrate your abilities...
if you haven't done so already.”
Mike grinned, proudly announcing, “Me
first.” Then, Mike moved away from us,
stretching his arms out. “Get a load of
Suddenly some sort of crystal started to
form around Mike, quickly spread
outwards. It was the same stuff that was
on his skin in the cafeteria when he
developed, but this time there was a hell
of a lot more. Within seconds, Mike's
body was completely enveloped in the
crystals and several seconds later they
stopped growing. In Mike's place was
what looked like some sort of creature
made out of bluish white crystals,
humanoid in shape and standing nearly 8
feet tall.
“Wow.” Beth exclaimed, “Pretty
impressive.” I had to agree. He did look
pretty nasty, especially with the spikes
that were sticking out of his body... or at
least the crystal armor that surrounded
“Kinda cute.” Sabrina purred. “It might
make for an interesting necklace too,
though I think that I prefer diamonds.”
McKenzie nodded, “Please continue.”
With that, Mike went to a heavy brick
wall in the middle of the room and
smashing through it with his hands. He
was obviously very strong within that
crystal armor. Then, he turned away
towards another similar wall and, to my
surprise, he exploded from his chest. Or
at least he seemed to while a mass of
crystal spikes shot out, shattering against
the wall but making chips in it.
“Cool.” I muttered, watching curiously as
the crystal around Mike seemed to shatter
and then vanish, leaving him standing
there with a cocky grin.
“Very good.” McKenzie said, smiling
faintly. “Might I suggest Quartz as a code
Mike grinned at that. “Cool. I can live
with that.”
Next, Sabrina stepped forward. She
moved over towards a swimming pool
that was off to the side and stretched out
her arms, a look of concentration on her
face. A moment later, the water in the
pool actually started to move, to stretch
up and out as if it was alive, and then
actually pour out of the pool. The whole
scene reminded me of the movie Abyss.
“Shit.” I whispered, staring in amazement
while Sabrina made the water change
shapes and move around.
However, a moment later, the water
suddenly collapsed to the ground in a
messy splash, sending water all over the
“I lost it.” Sabrina told, sounding
“It will come with practice.” McKenzie
assured her.
“With that display,” Allan mused, “I
suppose that the name Splash might be
suitable.” Sabrina just grinned at that,
apparently liking it.
“Guess I'm up.” Beth muttered, glancing
towards me with a weak smile. “I never
did like showing off.”
A moment later, Beth quickly strolled
across the room, her whole body turning
sort of black and sparkly as she neared
the same wall that Mike had thrown the
spikes against. However, she didn't stop
as she neared it... but walked straight
through it as if it wasn't there. It was
pretty spooky.
“Like some kind of ghost.” I muttered.
“Might make a good name.” Mike
suggested. “Or maybe Wraith.”
“How about Casper?” Sabrina asked. From
the look on her face, I didn't think that
she was actually joking.
“Not bad.” Beth said as she walked back,
her skin having reverted to normal. “I
kind of like Wraith.”
“But I believe that there is already a man
named Wraith.” Allan said thoughtfully.
McKenzie nodded, telling us that there
was. Beth looked a little disappointed at
that. We ran through several more names,
each of us suggesting possibilities, more
than I expected being turned down from
already being used by someone. Finally,
Beth settled on Rumor since she could
turn as insubstantial as one.
Next, Allan stepped into the middle of the
room and took on a look of
concentration. With that, the air around
him sparkled with blue static, all of it
seeming to go between his hands, which
were held in front of himself, palms
facing each other. A blue ball of energy
formed, and then shot out at high speed,
hitting the brick wall that had been used
twice already... and exploding. There was
a burst of sparks and a small charred
“An electron bomb.” Allan commented.
“According to Dr. Alvere, I gathered
electrons from the surrounding area,
focus them into a sphere and then fire
them. They should be much more
destructive on other items.”
“Awesome.” I grinned. He'd sure put on a
great light show if nothing else, and I
could just imagine what one of those
‘electron bombs' could do to a human.
“I believe that Surge would be an
appropriate alias.” he said, looking a little
The others turned towards me and I
stepped back, feeling uncomfortable.
However, McKenzie held up his hand,
saying that he didn't think that would be
necessary at the moment since my powers
were still developing. The others looked a
little disappointed but nodded acceptance.
A minute later, McKenzie instructed us to
separate and practice with our abilities,
however he put a hand out to stop me. “I
have something else for you.” he told me.
Then, in a quieter and softer voice, he
added, “I'm sorry you had to find out like
For the next several hours, I was in a
room, watching all of the video
recordings that they had of Ms. Miracle,
specifically of her using her powers. It
stood to reason that if I was so much like
her, that I'd develop all of the same
powers. As frightening as the strength and
toughness alone were, the rest left me
even more surprised.
And at the same time, I performed varying
exercises to control my strength better.
By the time I finally left the room, I had
near perfect control over my strength, not
to mention a very clear understanding of
all that Ms. Miracle had been capable of,
and if Dr. Alvere were correct, what I
soon would be as well.
I sat on the edge of my bed, looking
across the room to my reflection in the
mirror, wondering if I was becoming
narcissistic. In the last two days, I'd spent
more time staring into mirrors than I
normally did in a month. But then of
course, I normally didn't have an
impossibly gorgeous woman looking back
“Man this is weird.” I muttered, reaching
my hand into my bathrobe and touching
my breasts. I shivered at the sensations,
slightly embarrassed that my nipples were
hard... not to mention curious.
Suddenly there was a loud knock from the
door, nearly making me jump. And just as
I stood up to answer it, I was surprised
again to see Beth suddenly walk right
through it, smirking somewhat as she
looked at me.
“Hey.” she said, moving towards me, “I
was wondering where you went.”
“Just sitting here.” I responded, sitting
down on the bed again and gesturing for
her to do the same. She nodded and did
so. “This is so weird...”
Beth nodded, and I noticed that she
wasn't wearing the heavier and darker
makeup that I'd come to expect from her.
“I...” She took a deep breath, looking a
little nervous, “I've been worried about
you. And I couldn't help noticing that
you've been kind of... well zoned out
today. Do you want to talk about it?”
I stared at her silently for a moment,
wondering if I should... or for the matter,
if I even could. Everything was still so
new to me... so confusing. I didn't even
know how to explain it all to myself much
less her, nor was I really sure that I could
trust her with something that personal.
Finally, it was the sincere look on her
face that decided me.
“This is pretty hard to get used to.” I told
her, “But I guess it's something else too.”
I paused a minute, then asked, “Do you
remember when I told you about... about
my mom?”
“Yeah.” she responded slowly, looking a
little confused.
“Well...” I paused, licking my lips slowly,
“I found out what happened to her.”
Beth stared at me, and then said, “Isn't
that good news?”
“She didn't abandon me.” I whispered,
beginning to shake again. “She... she
Beth put her hand on mine, looking
sympathetic. “I'm sorry. How?”
I forced a smile, feeling a little better
with her there. “She was... murdered. By
a super-villain.” Beth looked surprised,
then even more so when I said, “By Baron
Nevermore.” I paused again, gulping as I
whispered, “My mom was... was Ms.
For a long minute, Beth just stared at me
in shock. I could see the doubt flicker
across her face at first, but then it was
replaced, and I knew that she believed
me. I still wasn't sure that I believed me.
Suddenly, I remembered a bedtime story
that my mom had once told me. I
remembered it now because it had been
strange... and she had an odd look on her
face at the time. It was a story about a
woman who was taking a drive in the
country while her son was at camp. A
falling star had fallen to the ground in
front of her, nearly hitting her car, and
creating a hole in the ground. One in
which she had been unable to avoid
driving straight into.
I remembered the strange look on my
mom's face when she told me that the
falling star had disappeared when the
woman touched it... and how it had given
her a special gift that she would use to
help people. She never said what that gift
was though. Was that her way of trying
to tell me?
“Wow.” Beth whispered, snapping my
mind back to the present. Her hand
squeezed mine more gently. “I... I guess
that explains this.”
I nodded, forcing a smile. “At least now I
know.” And as I thought about my mom's
old bedtime story, I realized that I did
After this, Beth and I talked for a bit
longer. I told her a bit about my
childhood, feeling much better as I got it
off my chest. Then we talked about how I
felt, having suddenly turned into a
gorgeous woman and the spitting image of
one of the most famous super-heroes
“You don't like guys now, do you?” Beth
asked, grinning.
I nearly choked at that, but thought about
anyway. I certainly hadn't felt anything
odd... at least other than embarrassment
around the guys I'd seen since my change.
Then of course, I still thought Sabrina
was hot, that Beth was cute, and got
turned on by my own reflection.
“Nope.” I answered, “Not at all.”
Beth got up and laughed, “That's good I
guess. One less thing to get used to.”
I grinned back. “Yeah, I guess it is.” Then,
I stared at her for a moment, glad for my
talk with her. “Thank you.” I told her,
quietly but meaning it.
For a moment, Beth just looked at me,
and then to my surprise, she lunged
forward and kissed me quickly on my lips.
I was too stunned to respond, and then
she stepped back again, smiling.
I choked out, “Are you a lesbian?”
“No, I'm not a lesbian.” Beth responded,
walking towards my door and opening it.
Then, she turned back with a smile and
added, “I'm bi.” before vanishing through
the door, leaving me in stunned silence.
* * * * *
I took a deep breath and looked
around the training room where we'd all
been practicing for hours. Mike was in
the corner, all crystaled up while Sabrina
was standing 15 feet off of the floor...
supported only by a pillar of water. I was
amazed at how good she was getting at
controlling the stuff.
Allan was practicing his aim while at the
same time Beth was standing around,
smirking since her powers seemed so
much simpler. McKenzie though had
already made several comments about
having her learn more hand to hand
combat techniques.
“I guess we're getting better.” I mused,
looking down at the heavy iron bars at my
feet, all bent like pretzels. It had been
so... easy. My strength had increased
beyond what I would have believed
possible, letting me lift several tons
without much effort. And it appeared that
I might still be getting stronger.
Pausing for a moment, I stretched my
muscles, marveling yet again at just how
unbelievably healthy I felt. How strong. I
never would have believed it possible.
Even my senses all seemed to have
become much sharper, not to mention the
fact that I could bench press a tank and
bullets bounced off of me. Of course I'd
been more than just a little scared when
that last had been tested earlier that
“Impressive.” Beth commented, walking
towards me. However, from the way she
was eyeing me, I wasn't sure if she meant
my strength or something else. Then
again, she could have been just messing
with my mind. “Wish I could do that.”
She sighed, kicking at one of the bent iron
“Well, I think I'd rather be back to
normal.” I told her, and then sighed as I
muttered, “But it doesn't look like that's
going to happen.”
Beth nodded, then grinned. “Hey, wasn't
Ms. Miracle supposed to be able to fly?”
“Yeah...” I nodded, and then realized
what she was getting at. I sighed, not
really sure that I wanted to admit that
heights made me a bit nervous. “Just
because I look like her...” I started.
However, Beth just glared at me, looking
a little annoyed. Even though I was
bigger... not to mention MUCH stronger
than her, I couldn't resist taking a step
“All right.” I said, “I'll try it.” Pausing a
moment, I muttered, “If I can even figure
out how.”
For a moment, I thought about the
recordings that I'd seen of Ms. Miracle,
though they hadn't given me any idea of
how she did it. I gulped, trying not to
think about her being my mother. Not at
the moment.
With a shrug, I just jumped into the air,
‘willing' myself not to come back down.
And to my surprise... it worked.
“Holy shit.” I gasped, “I'm floating.” I was
only several feet above the ground... but
there was no sign of my coming back
Beth was grinning. “You're glowing too.”
“Huh.” I muttered, and then noticed a
faint golden glow from the corner of my
eyes. It reminded me that every time I'd
ever seen Ms. Miracle flying in the
recordings... she was always glowing
slightly. “Wow.”
Then, taking a deep breath, I ‘willed'
myself up, smiling as I started rising. I
was aware of Beth watching me... as well
as the others. However, I didn't let that
distract me as I went higher, then started
to slowly fly around the room, trying not
to look too closely at the ground as I did
“You go girl!” Sabrina called out from
below, then a moment later, she was no
longer below, but standing several feet in
front of me... on a pillar of water. “That
looks like fun.”
I just waved at her then flew another
circle around the room. Whenever I
looked down towards the ground, I
couldn't avoid thinking about falling that
far. Then I had to remind myself that
nothing would happen. Before... the fall
would have broken half the bones in my
body, but now... now I doubted that I'd
even get a bruise from a fall 10 times that
After several minutes, I was really getting
the hang of flying... and beginning to
even enjoy myself a little and wish that I
had more room so that I could cut loose
and really fly. As it was, I was beginning
to feel like I was swimming in circles
around a kiddy pool when I really wanted
to be in an ocean. Funny considering how
nervous I was at the same time.
Finally, I landed back to the ground,
getting a round of clapping from the
others. Beth especially looked pleased...
almost smug. Mike on the other hand was
trying to look unimpressed... but not
really succeeding since he was no longer
armored up.
“Very impressive.” McKenzie's voice said
from the door. “I had wondered how soon
your abilities would develop to that
“Nice to see you too.” I said, waving
towards him. “And I was wondering when
you'd show up to watch us work our asses
McKenzie didn't respond, though he
stepped forward and set down a
cardboard box. “I believe that these
should help you.” And with that, he
pulled something out of the box and
unfolded it, revealing a black and white
spandex costume... and tossing it towards
Beth. “Your uniform Rumor.”
“Gee thanks.” Beth snorted sarcastically.
“I didn't know you were so kinky.”
“Quartz.” McKenzie said, ignoring Beth as
he handed Mike his black, green and
white uniform. Sabrina's was blue and
dark blue with white trim while Allan's
was blue and dark gray with gold trim.
After he had passed the others their
uniforms, he turned to me and I could
almost swear that there was a twinkle in
his eyes. “And here is your uniform... Ms.
I choked at that, especially when he
unfolded the familiar red and gold
costume of Ms. Miracle. Somehow, I
knew that it was obvious... but I still
hadn't considered that I was to take HER
place. It seemed wrong to impersonate
her... as if I hadn't already been doing
just that.
“Thank you.” I told him quietly, not sure
if I meant it or not. As I accepted the
uniform... it seemed unbelievably heavy
in my hands. Not with the weight, but
with what it meant. With what it
represented... and all the responsibility
that went along with it.
A minute later, I whispered, “I'm through
for today.” With that, I turned and left the
room, feeling the weight of the uniform in
my hand... and my memories.
I leaned back in my chair, staring at the
uniform that was still folded on the table,
thinking about my mom. It was obvious
now that I never really knew her at all.
She'd lied to me when she was alive...
and now she was gone... never having
even said goodbye. My mother... the
hero. My mother... the stranger.
“My mother the car.” I snorted, getting up
and glancing around my room. It was still
bare... lacking in anything of my own. It
felt more like a hotel room than anything.
“What did I get myself into?” I whispered.
Looking down at myself, I frowned,
wondering if I could ever get used to
having a pair of tits. Of being the hottest
woman in nearly any room. And having
to piss sitting down.
“At least I don't need a bra.” I told myself
with a faint grin, knowing that my tits
were firm enough that it would be
completely unnecessary. Another aspect
of my mutated body. “No sag here.”
Suddenly I heard a loud, insistent
knocking coming from my door. It was
quickly followed up with an, “Open up
right this minute.” A second later, Beth
called again, “I'm coming in one way or
another... and you know I'll do it.”
“All right already.” I called back, hurrying
towards the door before she could walk
through it again.
When I opened the door, I was slightly
surprised to see Sabrina standing there
next to Beth, and both of them dressed up
hot... ready to draw attention.
“Hello.” Sabrina said, giggling slightly.
Beth rolled her eyes, and then
announced, “We've decided to have a girls
night out, and you're coming with us.”
“What?” I gasped, half sure that I was
mishearing her.
“You're coming with us whether you like
it or not.” Sabrina added, looking rather
“And we're not going to take no for an
answer.” Beth told me, crossing her arms
as if daring me to argue with her. “Come
on Dave, you really need to get out and
loosen up a bit. Maybe even learn that it's
not so bad being a girl, so...”
I gulped, standing back as they both
walked in. I realized that they were both
carrying some bags as well, making me
curious... and nervous. What the hell was
Beth up to? And with Sabrina at that? I
mean, Beth was sort of Goth while
Sabrina was more like the prom queen
crowd. Like water and oil, those types
usually didn't mix together.
For a moment, I just stared at them, then
sighed. “Why not?” I didn't have anything
else planned, and if anything else, it
should at least be interesting.
“Great.” Beth and Sabrina grinned at the
same time.
“Now we've got to get you ready.”
Sabrina told me, obviously enjoying this.
A minute later, I was naked, my clothes
having been practically torn off of me.
Beth and Sabrina went in great delight,
pulling item after item out of the bags
that they'd brought, mostly consisting of
“We thought these would look good on
you.” Beth said.
“And Dr. Alvere gave us your sizes.”
Sabrina added. I just groaned.
Before I'd realized it, I was all washed up,
had my hair done and wearing the sexy
outfit and skirt that they'd given me. I
was even dressed in the shoes and
thankful that they were rather low
heeled, as I didn't think that I could
handle anything more at the moment. It
was all I could do to keep from screaming
and tearing the clothes off. I felt like
some kind of human sized Barbie doll...
and knew that I probably looked the part
as well.
“But aren't people going to recognize
me?” I asked nervously. “I mean, I've got
a rather famous face.”
“Already thought of that.” Sabrina
answered, pulling up a bunch of makeup.
“Ta da.” I just groaned, realizing that it
was about to get even worse.
Then, after a long and torturous period of
getting makeup put on me... with
explanations and lessons each step of the
way, I was pronounced finished. At least
until they gave me some jewelry. Some
clip on earrings since my ears wouldn't
pierce... and Beth did try but the needles
wouldn't go through, a nice gold bracelet
and necklace to match.
“Now we're finished.” Beth said, sounding
rather proud.
Sabrina giggled and shook her head. “Not
completely. There's one last thing...” And
with that, she rubbed a little perfume
behind my ear. “Now we're finished.”
Beth gave a wolf whistle and exclaimed,
“Damn you're hot.”
I just blushed in embarrassment, and then
moved to get a full view of myself in a
mirror. My fingernails were painted and I
had lipstick on, not to mention all of the
other stuff. It wasn't needed since my
face was naturally sexy, but it did make
me look very hot. And more than that, it
served to change my appearance some so
that I wasn't going to be recognized as
Ms. Miracle... or at least wearing her
“Wow.” I whispered, getting extremely
turned on. Damn I wanted to fuck that
woman. Too bad I was that woman. “I
finally find the girl of my dreams,” I
mutter, “and it's myself.”
“Be still my heart.” Beth snorted. “Now
quit staring at yourself and come on. I
want to get going.”
* * * * *
A minute later, we were on our way.
We left the facility and for the first time,
saw that we were in the middle of
nowhere... or at least close to it. And,
according to McKenzie, we were at least
half an hour from the nearest population
“So what are we going to do now?” I
snorted. “Hotwire the helicopter or do
you guys expect me to carry you.”
Sabrina frowned, looking offended. “I
don't need to be carried.”
“Naw.” Beth grinned, “I've got it taken
care of.”
At that, Beth's whole body turned black
with the white sparkles again, just as
when she walked through walls. I was
confused at this though since there were
no walls to go through. Then, to my
surprise, the black stuff around Beth
suddenly exploded outward.
“What the hell?” I demanded, looking
around as soon as the black stuff had
faded, realizing that we weren't at the
facility anymore. We were standing next
to a building... in the middle of a city.
I looked back at Beth, who was back to
normal and looking extremely self
satisfied. “I learned a new trick today.”
she told me. “I can teleport.”
“That was totally awesome.” Sabrina
gasped excitedly. “And my hair didn't
even get messed up.”
“Bet it beats flying.” Beth grinned. “No
travel... just snap my fingers and I'm
“Show off.” I grinned.
Sabrina giggled, “And I bet it really saves
gas money.”
Several minutes later, we were all inside
of a nightclub and sitting at a table
sipping beer. We might have been
underage and had no identity... well at
least the others were underage since I
looked just a little older now, but we still
had no problem getting the drinks.
I just looked around, feeling extremely
uncomfortable but trying not to let it
show. There were MEN staring at me. I
knew that I would be doing the same
thing if I saw someone who looked like
me, but it was pretty damn embarrassing.
I wasn't used to being a beautiful woman.
“I think he's got the hots for you.” Beth
whispered, gesturing towards one guy
who was staring at me.
Sabrina sighed, muttering, “I'm jealous.
Why do you get all the attention?”
Beth just snorted, saying, “Well... duh.”
We all chuckled at that, even me.
Just a minute later, the man that Beth had
pointed out was suddenly standing beside
our table. He was about my height... my
new height, or just a little taller, with
dirty blonde hair and an athletic build.
“Hi, I'm Randy.” he said, looking a little
cocky as he stared at me. “I was hoping
that you'd dance with me.”
I gulped in surprise, but before I could say
anything, Beth burst out, “She'd love to.”
Then she just grinned smugly at me while
I glared back.
Seeing as how I'd already been
volunteered, I groaned and stood up,
trying not to show Randy my discomfort.
“I can do this.” I told myself silently.
“I'm...” I paused, realizing that I certainly
couldn't tell him that my name was Dave.
My mind raced, then I spat out the first
decent name that came to me. “Amanda.”
It was the name of the first girl I'd ever
Then with that, Randy and I went out to
the dance floor, with me silently
promising to get even with Beth for
embarrassing me like that.
I danced with Randy for awhile, several
times having to pull his wandering hand
away from my ass. The thought of
breaking that hand was tempting, but I
held myself back, knowing that it would
be far too easy to do so. Then after
Randy, I was quickly caught up by
another one of my admirers, which
seemed to amuse Beth to no end from
where she and Sabrina were also on the
dance floor.
When I finally returned to the table, I saw
that Beth had returned, though Sabrina
was still out dancing. Beth just grinned at
me, sipping at her beer.
“You know that I'll have to get you for
that?” I told her, quickly glancing to
where Randy was still watching me from
another table with some of his friends.
“I wouldn't expect anything else.” Beth
responded, just as Sabrina came and sat
down as well.
“You lucky girl.” Sabrina sighed. “He was
like... SO cute.” I groaned while Beth just
Then, as Beth took another long drink
from her beer, I warned her, “Slow down
why don't you. You're the one driving.”
Beth just grinned at that.
A short while later, Randy returned to our
table, grinning with that cocky grin again.
“Come on.” he said, holding his arm out,
“Let's dance again.”
“No thanks.” I responded, not interested
in the least. “I'm danced out.”
Randy looked annoyed at that but his face
quickly snapped back into the cocky grin.
“Then why don't we go to my place for a
little nightcap?”
I glared at him in disgust. “I don't think
so.” I said, clenching my fists and making
sure that my voice was as icy as I could
make it. After a moment, he finally got
the hint and left, much to my relief.
“Can I have him then?” Sabrina asked me.
I wasn't sure whether she was joking or
not. I just snorted and told her to go
ahead, though she made no move towards
For the next fifteen minutes, the three of
us just sat there talking and drinking,
with me quickly realizing that I wasn't
feeling the least bit of a buzz. Apparently,
my new metabolism prevented me from
getting drunk. I wasn't quite sure
whether to count that as a plus or a
Finally, I got up and started towards the
bathroom, silently reminding myself to
use the women's one. Otherwise, I just
knew that I'd walk into the wrong one out
of habit and embarrass myself... as if I
hadn't already been doing that all night
It was the first time that I'd had to use the
women's bathroom in public, but I knew
that it probably wouldn't be my last
either. It was about what I expected
though, and after I did my business, I
started back towards my table.
Just as I was walking past one of the pool
tables, a figure suddenly stepped in my
way. It took me a second to realize that it
was Randy... and that he had his cocky
grin on again.
“Hello there Amanda.” Randy said, a bit of
an edge in his voice. “Why don't we go
for that nightcap now?”
“Get... out... of... my... way.” I told him
slowly, beginning to get really annoyed
with the asshole. I'd seen guys like him
before, though I had certainly never been
At that, Randy lost the friendly look on
his face, which was replaced by one of
anger. “Listen here you overgrown
bitch...” he snarled, grabbing at my arm,
“I don't think you understand.”
“Let go of me you asshole.” I told him in
a quiet voice.
“SHUT UP BITCH!” He snarled, slapping
me across my face as hard as he could. I
barely felt a thing though he started
grabbing at his hand with a look of pain
on his face. “Fuck!”
I knew that I should have left it there, but
I was pissed off. I reached down and
grabbed at his balls with one hand, then
reached over and grabbed a pool ball off
of the table with my other.
“Don't fuck with me.” I told him in a low
voice, “And if I ever catch you fucking
with anyone else like this you limp-dicked
asshole...” I held the pool ball up in front
of his face, and then crushed it to powder
with the slightest effort. The look on his
face at that... and the implication, nearly
made me smile.
Then, I let go of Randy and turned
around, smiling faintly to myself. I
couldn't believe how confident my new
powers made me feel at the moment.
Suddenly something hit me over the head,
and it wasn't until I looked down at the
broken pool cue that I realized what it
Snapping around, I saw Randy standing
there with a half broken pool cue and a
look of shock on his face. I glared at him,
tired of dealing with the asshole, and then
took a step towards him. However, Randy
turned and ran as fast as he could. I just
let him go.
Suddenly I realized that nearly everybody
close by was staring at me. I gulped,
trying to ignore them as I hurried back to
Beth and Sabrina. I had a feeling that it
was definitely time to collect my friends
and go.
* * * * *
It was half an hour since I had come
back to the facility from the little ‘girl's
night out' that I had been coerced into,
and I sat alone in my room, smiling faintly
to myself. Other than the incident with
Randy, it had been rather fun. I had
gotten to know Beth and Sabrina much
better, not to mention being able to have
a little fun for the first time since my
rather unexpected transformation.
Then, as I remembered Randy, I wasn't
sure whether to smile or scowl. It had
been different to dance with a guy,
though I had no real interest in doing it
again. I might have been wearing the
body of a woman, but Randy had done
nothing for me... even before he'd pulled
that shit. At least he wasn't any kind of
problem for me, but I worried slightly
that he might be for some real woman
that he ran into.
“At least I've got these.” I said, flexing my
arm and looking at the bulge at my bicep.
Unfortunately, the much larger bulges on
my chest came with it, and those I would
gladly do without.
Sighing, I turned to my clothes, starting to
take them off before catching sight of
myself in the mirror.
“Damn I look hot.” I said, feeling a
mixture of shame and pride.
The very sight of my reflection turned me
on. It excited me in a way that I'd never
been excited before. For a moment, I just
stared at myself, then I smiled faintly and
on an impulse, slowly started to strip my
clothes off... literally. I swayed in place,
moving as sexily as I could, turning
myself on even more as each piece of
clothing came off.
Once I was almost completely naked, I
heard something from my door, snapping
around only to see Beth standing there,
staring at me.
“I... I'm sorry I didn't knock.” Beth
whispered, looking embarrassed for what
I think was the first time.
I gulped, blushing in embarrassment at
having been caught, not to mention
feeling a little annoyed at the unexpected
intrusion. For a moment, I looked around
for something to cover myself up with,
realizing at the same time that it was a
little late for that.
“I had a lot of fun tonight... Amanda.”
Beth said, slowly stepping towards me.
“I did too.” I responded quietly, still
embarrassed... not to mention horny.
“But please don't call me Amanda.”
Beth smiled, stopping just in front of me.
“We can't keep calling you Dave. You
need a girl's name.”
She was right, and I knew it. I'd already
been thinking the same thing, not liking it
but knowing that it was practical.
“Daphne.” I whispered, feeling
embarrassed as I said it out loud. “Call me
Daphne.” It was my mom's middle
name... and I thought that it was
“Daphne.” Beth mused, testing the name
aloud. “Honestly, you strike me as more
of an Amanda than a Daphne... but it is a
nice name.” She practically purred the
last, moving even closer to me.
I gulped, “Beth...”
“Shhh.” she put a finger to my lips. “I had
a great time... but I don't want it to end
yet.” she whispered. “I want you.”
For a moment, I just stood frozen, a little
surprised by her statement, but more
surprised that I wanted her too. Finally, I
bent down so that we could kiss;
marveling at the way Beth's tongue
snaked inside my mouth.
Then, we moved to the bed, still kissing
passionately, with me being extremely
careful of my strength. Our kisses quickly
escalated, with us both becoming
completely undressed within minutes.
And in the hours that followed, Beth and I
got to know each other MUCH better.
* * * * *
I woke up with a smile, immediately
noticing the person lying in bed next to
me. Beth was still asleep, looking
surprisingly innocent like that. For
several minutes, I just stayed where I
was, listening to her breathing and
thinking about how great the night before
had been.
Then with a slight groan, I sat up,
accidentally waking Beth up in the
process. She looked up at me and smiled,
looking rather satisfied.
“Morning lover.” Beth purred, sitting up
and hopping off the bed. “So, how did you
like it? As a girl that is?”
“I've had better.” I told her, trying to
keep a straight face. At least for a few
seconds. Then we both started laughing.
“It was definitely different.” I admitted,
blushing a little, “But nice. Very nice.”
“Just nice?” Beth gasped in mock horror.
“I guess I'll have to work at changing
your mind.” She started to move towards
me at that.
After we kissed, I sighed, “I'm afraid we
don't have time for this now.” I looked
over at the clock, adding, “They'll want us
for training pretty soon.”
With a groan, Beth muttered, “Sometimes
it sucks being a super- hero in training.”
“You're telling me.” I muttered, glancing
down at my tits. Then I smiled faintly,
remembering that even they weren't all
bad. Especially not with what Beth had
been doing to them the night before.
Then, once we had kissed again, Beth
said, “See ya later.” just before turning
black and sparkly... then vanishing.
I just shook my head. “Wow.” I hadn't
seen her do that teleporting trick from
that angle before.
A minute later, I started for my bathroom
to clean up, realizing that I definitely
needed it. I only wished that Beth had
stayed around long enough for us to do
that together. But that wasn't to be... at
least not this time.
Once I had finished washing up, I
returned to the mirror, staring at my
reflection for what had to be the ten
thousandth time since my change. And
still... every time I saw myself, I had that
initial shock. That brief moment of
surprise. I stood there for several
minutes, and then glanced towards my
clock, realizing that it was nearly time for
“Shit.” I sighed, knowing that I had to get
I looked over to my table, gulping as I did
so. Sitting right on top of it was the
bundle of red and gold. The costume. The
very sight of it sent slight chills through
me... not to mention the thought of
putting it on. After a moment more of
hesitation, I slowly reached out for it.
When I was finally dressed, I grimaced,
still feeling nearly naked. The costume
covered my entire body below my neck,
but it was skintight and left little to the
imagination. Turning to the mirror again,
I wanted to get my first look at myself in
costume, freezing as soon as I did so.
My long golden blonde hair cascaded
down my back and my body filled out the
costume perfectly. The costume itself was
a mix of red and gold, with red being
slightly predominant, though the gold
covered part of my inner legs and arms.
There was also a stylized golden M of
sorts on my chest. All in all, I looked
fantastic... and exactly like Ms. Miracle.
“Oh God.” I whispered in amazement,
running my hands down my side, still
staring at my reflection.
I was filled with a barrage of mixed
emotions, hardly able to sort them out in
my head. Part of me was completely
shocked at the sight of Ms. Miracle in
front of me, part of me shamed and
embarrassed to pretend to be her.
However, what surprised me the most
was that it felt... right.
The sensation of the costume pulled
tightly against my body felt strangely
right. Almost as it belonged there. I could
feel the weight coming from it... not
literal, but emotional, all bearing down
on my shoulders. But at the same time, I
felt a part of something bigger than just
myself. And... at that moment I felt closer
to my mother than I could ever
remember. Somehow... it actually felt as
if I belonged inside that costume.
Without consciously realizing it, I struck a
serious pose in the mirror, smiling to
myself. I couldn't believe how good I
actually felt at that moment... both
physically and oddly enough...
Then with a sigh, I turned away from the
mirror, cheerfully saying, “Time for
After fifteen minutes of practicing with
my powers in the training room, I was
already getting bored. My strength had
obviously increased some more, though it
seemed to be slowing down. I was nearly
at my full strength... and felt awesome.
The training room however didn't give me
much of a challenge and I was dying to
cut loose.
Pausing for a moment, I looked over at
the others while they were still practicing
their powers, smiling faintly at the
memory of their reactions when I'd come
into the room. They'd all stared at me
with their mouths hanging open,
obviously as amazed by the resemblance
as I was.
“This isn't getting me anywhere.” I finally
tell McKenzie who was watching closely.
“I need to get out where I can cut loose.
To see what I can really do.”
McKenzie nodded, “I know.” He paused
for a moment, and then said, “This
afternoon we will start you all working
together so you can practice your
teamwork. Then I'll also have you all start
looking at files on some of the people you
will likely encounter.”
Beth had come over at that, shaking hear
head. “Yeah, but that sounds pretty
boring. Can't we just go out and kick their
“Not unless you wish to have yours being
the ones kicked.” McKenzie told her,
nearly smiling. “You may possess powers
now, but you still lack the experience and
teamwork that many of your enemies will
“Party pooper.” Beth snorted. Then she
demanded, “And what makes you the
For a few seconds, McKenzie just stared at
her, looking rather annoyed. Then he let
out a sigh, quietly saying, “Years of
experience. I used to be a super-hero.”
“Say what?” Mike demanded, coming
closer. The others were right behind him.
“Did you just say what I thought you
McKenzie nodded faintly. “I suppose you
would all have found out sooner or later,
but I used to possess powers myself. I lost
them several years ago and had to retire
from action.”
We all looked at him and each other in
surprise. It was Sabrina who asked what
we were all thinking. “Like... who were
“I was called the Shrike.” McKenzie told
us, smiling faintly.
I nodded, vaguely remembering a guy
called the Shrike. Not too clearly though
since he was never one of the extremely
public heroes, but I thought I could
remember him being able to fly.
“But that is beside the point.” McKenzie
announced a moment later. “You all need
to get back to your training.”
We all groaned at that, but I said, “Well, I
need to get out of here then.”
As I stepped towards the door, McKenzie
looked as if he was about to protest, then
he just shut up and gestured for me to go.
Several minutes later, I was outside the
facility and flying straight into the air...
higher than I'd ever gone before, no
longer trapped by the confines of our
training room. And I loved it. My fear of
heights was immediately gone as I shot up
into the clouds, marveling at the complete
and total freedom that I had in the air.
“I love this.” I screamed, flying higher and
I was soon lost completely in the thrill of
the flight, gathering my courage and
trying loops then diving towards the
ground. Everything I could think of, I
tried, loving every minute of it, smiling at
the unbelievable speed in which the
ground was moving beneath me.
When I arrived at some mountains, I
laughed and couldn't resist landing near a
boulder that was over three times the size
of my old car and lifting it with only a
little bit of effort. I held the boulder over
my head, surprising even myself with
that, then tossing it nearly 50 yards,
surprising myself even more.
“Damn I'm strong.” I gasped, turning
around and punching at an even larger
boulder. It nearly exploded from the
I spent about two hours playing around
and testing my new powers. And though I
was a little embarrassed to admit it, I was
thrilled as hell to do so. Finally though, I
decided that I had better get back to the
others so started the return flight, quickly
realizing that I should have paid a little
more attention to which way I'd come.
* * * * *
Leaning back in my chair, I sighed,
paying little attention to the TV that
played in the background, nor to the
others who were making noise as well.
We were all sitting back and taking a
break from our training, having spent a
good part of the morning at it. I was
getting more than a little tired of all the
training of every sort that McKenzie had
thrown at us, but I wasn't the only one.
And I was getting more than anyone, and
not just from him.
It had been several days since Beth and
Sabrina had taken me out, but that hadn't
been the end of their attempts to help me
adjust. It was bad enough when they'd
hauled me along to go shopping the day
before, even if I really did need a new
wardrobe, but the makeup lessons they
insisted on were far worse. I refused to
let Beth touch me, remembering just how
much makeup she wore the first time I
saw her. Besides, Sabrina seemed to be
the expert in that area anyway. And to
top it off, even Dr. Alvere had gotten into
the act, insisting on giving me some
‘feminine hygiene' lessons. Talk about
Then I smiled, glancing towards Beth and
remembering how fun she was in bed. Of
course, I still would have rather had a
cock to use, but it sex was definitely
great. Even if I was now a confirmed
lesbian... as strange as that seemed to
me. Somehow, I don't think that the real
Ms. Miracle was.
My thoughts were interrupted though as
McKenzie stepped into the room, a serious
look on his face.
“Is it time to continue training?” Allan
asked, standing up.
“Yes... and no.” McKenzie told us,
confusing me and the others too I was
sure. “I have your first mission.”
“Really?” Beth exclaimed excitedly,
though quickly covered it up with a
sarcastic, “What is it? Fetching the
newspaper for you?”
I couldn't resist grinning and adding “Arf
arf.” since that sounded like something I
would have said.
McKenzie gave us an annoyed look before
explaining, “Two enhanced criminals have
gone on a looting rampage in the middle
of a crowded city.” He paused for a
moment, and then said, “They're robbing
stores and destroying anything in their
way... and endangering innocent lives.”
“Finally,” Mike exclaimed, grinning
broadly, “some action.”
“No shit.” Beth muttered.
I nodded, definitely excited by the
prospect of finally getting out and doing
something... but extremely apprehensive
as well. This was what we were supposed
to be doing... but I would have to be seen
in public for it to happen and that still
made me a bit nervous.
With that, McKenzie turned on the news,
showing us the scene while filling us in
with what little was known, which
unfortunately wasn't much. Once our
rushed plans were made, we all stood
together... at least those of us with
powers did, while McKenzie stood back
and quietly wished us luck. A moment
later, Beth's... Rumor's powers had taken
us away.
Suddenly, I was standing outside, glancing
around quickly to gain my bearings and
realizing that we were on a rooftop.
“We're here.” Beth said unnecessarily. “I
saw this building on the TV.”
At that moment, I heard the smashing of
glass and ran to the edge of the building
to look down. It was obvious that we
were up about 5 stories... and just as
obvious as to what was causing the noise.
There were two people standing down
below who were dressed in strange
costumes. Obviously the super-villains.
One of them was somewhat thin, dressed
in a costume of reddish orange and
brown, having long brown hair. The
other was huge... about 8 feet all and
built like a human tank, covered with
green and gray armor to match. He was
mostly bald... but with faint white hair
around the sides and back. He at least
looked dangerous.
“I guess we found them.” I exclaimed,
turning to the others, only to see them
vanish. “Damn!” I didn't really like the
idea of being left to sit on the sidelines
while my friends were going to fight.
I turned back to the two below, grimacing
as they grabbed stuff out of a shattered
store window and stuffed it into a large
bag that was already half fun. There were
people inside the store screaming, as well
as a few on the street who were staring
or running away in terror. A number of
people were watching the scene from
windows in nearby buildings. I even
noticed a TV cameraman who was
keeping his distance.
“Business as usual.” I snorted, wondering
what it said about someone whose job
was to follow super-heroes and villains,
recording their fights.
Just then, I saw the others stepping
forward, Beth still in her black sparkly
mode while Mike was armoring up in
crystal, looking pretty menacing as he did
so. Sabrina stood off to the side; looking
around almost frantically for water... at
least that was what I assumed she was
looking for since she couldn't do much
without it. Allan however seemed almost
calm, making no move to use his powers
just yet.
“Stop that right this instant!” Allan...
Surge called out. “We're here to stop
The two costumed strangers turned
towards them... laughing. “I think not
little man.” the big one said, his voice
rumbling deeply. “Who are you to try
stopping us?”
Surge paused at that, looking a little
surprised. “I guess we need to come up
with some sort of team name.” I
muttered. Then I chuckled softly, adding
yet another thing that McKenzie and
whoever else were behind us had
Looking back at them, the smaller
criminal called out, “It us unimportant.
Let us introduce ourselves before we turn
your lives into a world of hurt.” He
paused dramatically before exclaiming,
“We are Divide and Conquer.”
Suddenly the smaller guy spit into two
identical versions of himself... then
several more. Obviously he was Divide
then. Without any further warning, they
charged straight at my friends. The big
guy howled, slammed through a car with
one punch while a dozen Divides ran
Quartz charged straight at Conquer,
punching him with a large crystal fist.
However, Conquer didn't even seem to
notice it. With a single backhand...
Quartz was thrown straight into a
building with a loud crack. I could almost
hear the crystal cracking.
“Watch out Mike.” I muttered, grabbing
into the ledge and feeling it crumble
between my fingers. However, much to
my relief, Mike climbed back out of the
wall, repairing his armor and covering it
with more spikes. “Nasty.”
One of the Divides had grabbed Splash,
who seemed helpless at the moment
without any water. Surge was glowing
with static and throwing balls of it
Conquer... who staggered back slightly at
each explosion but seemed otherwise
unhurt. Rumor was fighting with one of
the Divides and proving that he could do
little against someone he couldn't touch.
An explosion of crystal shards shot at
Conquer, bouncing off his tanklike hide...
just as Surge's electron bombs were, even
though they were doing plenty of damage
to other things when they missed.
Obviously, Conquer was extremely
tough... and by the way he was picking
up a car to throw, strong as well.
“Get lost you fools!” Conquer screamed.
“This is none of your business.”
“Fraid we can't do that big guy.” Rumor
snapped back, standing there while he
punched through her... without touching
her at all. “We're here to stop you, and
that's what we're going to do.”
One of the Divides sarcastically called out,
“I'd like to wish you luck, but I'm afraid
that I can't.”
Suddenly, one of the cars that Conquer
threw hit a fire hydrant... bursting it and
spraying water everywhere. A moment
later, Splash was lifted into the air with a
pillar of water, directing it like blasts,
taking one Divide after another out.
However, after a minute, I realized that
this wasn't doing much good as every time
one lost consciousness... they vanished,
but other Divides continued to split.
“Come on.” I growled, getting angry.
Quartz was punching at Conquer and
blasting him with spikes while Surge
continued to fire electron blasts at Divides
since they weren't doing much against
Conquer. Overall, it seemed to be holding
in a stalemate.
Then I noticed one of the Divides
sneaking up being Surge, calling out,
“LOOK OUT!” But he couldn't hear me, a
second later; Surge had been hit from
behind and fell to the ground... stunned,
but obviously not dead. At least not yet.
“Surge!” Quartz called out, turning
slightly. But while he was distracted,
Conquer blindsided him, sending Quarts
into a wall again, making me shudder.
“Damn it.” I growled, deciding that
enough was enough. With that, I jumped
into the air.
“STOP!” I called down, hovering in the air
above the fight.
Suddenly, everyone did stop and all eyes
moved to me. Every Divide stared with
his mouth open and Conquer looked
totally shocked. Even my friends were
staring at me in amazement... as well as
“It can't be her.” Several of the Divides
exclaimed, while others said similar
“It's a trick.” Conquer gasped. “Has to be.
Ms. Miracle is dead. Everyone knows
“Apparently she doesn't.” Rumor added
with a grin.
Then, with a loud growl, Conquer grabbed
yet another car and threw it straight at
me. I was caught by surprise and hit with
the car, thrown a good distance backward
before slamming into a wall. A moment
later, I fell to the ground along with the
car... feeling somewhat stunned and
embarrassed, but not really hurt.
“Damn it.” I muttered, “What does he
think this is... football?” I paused, staring
at the Divides and Conquer before
grinning, “Then I guess it's fair to tackle.”
With that, I charged forward as fast as I
could. I hit Conquer with my shoulder
and grunted from the impact... but he did
go down. Unfortunately, he was back on
his feet again several seconds later,
looking surprised and rubbing at his arm
for a moment, but not looking hurt.
“I like it rough.” Conquer growled,
grinning faintly.
Then Conquer came at me, punching with
his massive fist. I dodged to the side and
punched him back, making him grunt
slightly but not much more. It didn't tame
more than a few seconds before he swung
again, this time hitting me. I actually felt
the impact of his fist and wondered if I'd
get a bloody nose or black eye because of
it, but immediately punched back,
launching into a series of punches and
While Conquer and I were trading
punches, Quartz was slowly pulling
himself out of the wall and Surge was
struggling to get to his feet, not helped by
the Divides who were kicking at him.
Then with a massive surge of static, they
were both knocked away and vanished
while Surge got back to his feet. Rumor
and Splash were both still going at Divides
one at a time, to little overall effect.
Conquest and I continued trading punches
for several minutes and knocking each
other into walls, but I knew that this
wasn't going to do much good. As strong
as I was... he seemed to be just as strong.
Possibly even stronger. Not to mention
the size and leverage advantage that he
had over me.
Then, as I noticed my friends fighting the
Divides, an idea suddenly occurred to me.
“You have to take them all out at once!” I
screamed. “Sab... Splash, take them out!”
My friends seemed to get the idea at that
and each of them started targeting
multiple Divides at once. Surge was
blasting at them and making them vanish,
just as Quartz shot crystal shards at them
and punched at the ones closer to him.
“Don't worry about him.” Conquer
growled, his hand grabbing around my
throat. “Divide can take care of himself.
It's me that you've got to worry about.”
I knew that Conquer was right about one
thing; he was the one that I had to worry
about at the moment. And with that, I
kicked him between his legs as hard as I
could with my super-human strength,
smiling as even Conquer collapsed to his
“Don't underestimate your opponent. Any
guy can be taken down that way.” I said
with a grin, knowing that far too well. A
scrawny nerd that I'd once tried bullying
in junior high had painfully taught me
that lesson.
Then, I moved behind Conquer, putting
my arms around his throat... then flying
straight up and dragging him with me.
Higher and higher I went, still holding
Conquer firmly in my sleeper hold. And
after taking a deep breath, I went up
higher still, past the clouds till it was too
thin to breath properly.
I held Conquer that way, moving sideways
as well until I could make out below that
we were no longer directly above the
city. I waited until it was just the empty
desert, and with a grin, dove straight at
the ground, throwing Conquer ahead of
me then veering away.
“That ought to do it.” I gasped, watching
the big man hit the ground.
Suddenly there was an explosion where
he hit, sending clouds of dust and grit
into the air, making it hard to see what
was below. I waited for a minute, and
then slowly went down inside the crater.
Conquer was lying motionless on the very
bottom, badly bruised and unconscious...
but still alive.
Without a word, I turned and flew away;
confident that Conquer would remain
where he was once the cops arrived.
After all, they had a lot of experience
picking up super-villains, but sadly, they
seemed to have little ability to keep them
in the prisons once they were put there.
I quickly returned to where my friends
were fighting, smiling as I saw Splash
send a wall of water straight at all of the
remaining Divides who'd been herded
there by the others. A moment later, only
a single Divide remained... on his hands
and knees, gagging for breath.
“No more.” he gasped, surrounded by my
friends. There was no way for him to
divide again without immediately having
both of them attacked.
“Sort of like shooting monkeys in a
barrel, isn't it?” I asked, landing in front
of the others.
Rumor grinned at me, no longer all black
and sparkly. “So, where's the big guy?”
“He had to take a little trip.” I told her
with a faint grin myself.
Suddenly, I realized that people were
coming out of the nearby buildings and
surrounding us. Including the cops...
though I immediately wondered what the
hell they'd been doing while we were
taking care of the criminals. However,
now that Divide was neutralized, they
wasted no time in handcuffing him and
hauling him away.
But even as the police took Divide away,
they stared at me so much that I was half
sure that their eyes were going to fall
out. It was all I could do just to bite my
tongue and keep from saying something
that would have ruined Ms. Miracle's
reputation. And the cops weren't the only
ones staring at me either. It seemed as if
EVERYONE was, making me feel a little
After I'd told the still staring cops were to
find Conquer, I turned to Rumor and said,
“Five to beam up, Scotty.” A moment
later, we were gone.
Frowning, I changed channels on the TV,
and then did so again. It was no use
though as the same thing was on nearly
every channel. Me. Or at least Ms.
Miracle and the story of her triumphant
return. I was getting more than a little
tired of seeing it on every channel.
“You'd think that we weren't even there.”
Mike complained. “They barely even
mention us.” The bitterness was clear in
his voice and I felt guilty, though it was
no faulty of mine.
On one channel, the female reporter
continued, “And the famous Ms. Miracle
has proven the appropriateness of her
name, but performing the ultimate
miracle. Returning from the dead.”
“I wish.” I sighed, looking down at myself
with a frown. But then again, I doubted
that the reporters would believe the truth
even if they did know about it.
Beth leaned over and gave me a quick
kiss on my neck, whispering, “You're all
over the news, lover.”
“I know.” I groaned. “I know.”
Finally, the reporter on TV said, “And the
returned hero was not alone in dealing
with these criminals...”
“Finally.” Mike exclaimed.
“A small group of new heroes who
seemed to be following Ms. Miracle also
dealt with the criminals...” Pictures of the
others were shown on TV while the
reporter continued, “But these
unidentified Miracle Men, if you will,
were sore pressed to hold their own until
her arrival when she took charge...”
Suddenly the TV was turned off, and Mike
stood there with the remote in his hand,
cursing loudly. “Lucky I didn't blow that
damn thing up.” he growled, glaring at
me as if it was my fault before leaving the
“Mike...” I called out, but it was too late.
“Don't worry about him.” Allan said,
gently putting an arm on my shoulder,
“We know that it's not your fault.”
“I just wish we'd get some credit too.”
Sabrina sighed. “Anyway, that was a good
idea for taking out Divide.”
Nodding, I thanked Sabrina and Allan,
getting up to leave the room myself. “See
you later.” I said aloud, though with a
wink towards Beth, I let her know that it
was really directed towards her.
As I walked through the halls, thinking
about the events from hours earlier, I
couldn't help wondering how the real Ms.
Miracle would have handled it. However,
that only led me to wondering more
about her... the person that I never really
knew... even though she was my own
mother. How could she have lied to me
like that?
Suddenly, as I thought about what the
reporter had said about Ms. Miracle
performing the ultimate miracle,
something struck me. “The experiment.” I
whispered, trying to remember exactly
what McKenzie had said during that
briefing. And as soon as I did, I rushed
straight towards his office purposefully.
A minute later, I was at McKenzie's door,
barely pausing before I knocked...
knocking the door in as I did so. But I
barely paid attention to the damage that
I'd accidentally done before stepping
through and furiously demanding, “Where
is she?”
McKenzie stood up from his desk, looking
angry at the intrusion. “Where's who?”
“My mom.” I said in a cold voice. “You
have her body.” I was beginning to shake
at this, filled with mixed emotions. “She
deserves a proper burial.”
For a moment, McKenzie stared at me,
looking thoughtful. Finally, he said,
“Follow me.”
I did as McKenzie asked and followed him
down the halls, towards the lab area. We
arrived, just as Dr. Alvere was looking at
something through a microscope while
simultaneously writing something on a
pad of paper next to her.
“What's up doc?” I called out, feeling a
little better since McKenzie seemed
willing to help.
Dr. Alvere looked up and put her pad
away. “Can I help you with something?”
“Dave... Daphne would like Ms. Miracle's
body.” McKenzie told her, his voice
betraying no emotion.
With a look of surprise, Dr. Alvere said,
“Oh my.”
“What?” I demanded, trying to keep calm.
“I should have realized that earlier.” Dr.
Alvere said, sounding apologetic. “One of
the reasons that we acquired her body in
the first place was that there were no
known relatives to claim it.” She paused,
looking embarrassed before whispering,
“It was taken from her public
monument... I'm sorry. I should have
Then, without another word, Dr. Alvere
started off, gesturing for me to follow
her. She led me through yet another hall
until we got to an elevator, then we rode
down two levels... which I hadn't even
realized where there.
A minute later, we stopped in front of
another door, just long enough for Dr.
Alvere to enter something on a keypad
and open it up. And as we stepped inside,
she said, “Here she is.”
I immediately saw a tube on the other
side of the room, lying on a table. It was
about 7 feet long and about the size of a
coffin. The very sight sent chills through
my body, especially when I moved closer
to it. I could almost feel her presence
“This is her.” I whispered, slowly opening
it up.
A bit of steam came out of the canister...
but it was from cold rather than heat. I
waited a few seconds, and then stared at
the contents. It was her. Or at least what
was left of her. It was a naked body... in
very good shape for being dead for 6
years, but obviously dead. This was no
sleeping beauty.
“It's her.” I gasped, gulping as I slowly
reached out to touch her. I could barely
bring myself to do so... thinking that I
looked like her. That she was my mother.
That she really was dead. “Mom...” I
whispered, dropping to my knees and
crying. Truly crying for the first time in
I don't know how long I was on my knees
crying, but when I finally got up and
turned around, there was no sign of
either McKenzie or the doctor. I was
relieved at that, as well as embarrassed
that they'd seen me cry at all. However, I
didn't spare much thought to that,
focusing instead on my mother's coffin.
“I'm sorry mom.” I whispered, feeling a
little guilty for all those years that I'd
been bitter towards her, thinking that
she'd just abandoned me. The figure in
the tube was that of Ms. Miracle... not
the much smaller woman that I knew as
my mom, but there was no doubt in my
mind that they were one and the same.
“Let's get you out of here.”
Fifteen minutes later, I was outside of the
facility, holding the canister in my arms.
Then, after only a moment of hesitation, I
took to the air, deciding that it would be
best if I didn't take her to the monument
that had been built for her. Instead, it
would be a much better idea to give her a
burial where no one else would dig her
up to use like THEY had. I had just the
A short while later, I was flying over a
place that I hadn't been at in a long time.
Since shortly after my dad had died. The
mountains were just the way I
remembered them, filled with trees and
gorgeous scenery. We used to go camping
up there, but after dad died, mom hadn't
had much heart in doing that anymore.
Nor did she seem to have the time...
though now I knew why.
“Such happy times.” I whispered sadly.
With that, I landed at a likely spot, near
the top of the mountain where the view
was the best. I gently set down the
canister... my mom's coffin, and looked
around. Perfect.
A moment later, I picked up a large
boulder, slowly moving it to the side.
Without a word, I started digging at the
ground beneath it, finding that it was
easier than I expected with my powers.
Certainly quicker than a shovel would
have been.
After setting the canister into the hole I
made, I said sadly whispered, “Good bye
mom. Rest in peace.”
Then, I covered the canister up with some
of the dirt before setting the boulder back
on top. That would prevent anyone from
finding her, much less messing with her.
However, I couldn't resist scratching
something into the rock face with my
unbreakable fingernail.
‘Here lies a mother and hero... she is
I stood there silently for a long time,
crying once again. Then I looked down at
my changed body and the costume that
decorated it, feeling just a little closer to
her because of it. As if she hadn't
completely left me.
“I'll try to make you proud.” I said quietly
but firmly.
And then, I jumped into the air, not
looking back.
* * * * *
It was two days after we had made our
public debut with Divide and Conquer,
with Ms. Miracle making an official
return, though no one knew that I wasn't
the original. Of course there were
speculations, but overall the public
opinion seemed to be that Ms. Miracle
had just returned from the dead... as
several other heroes had done before.
During the time since, we had made
several more public appearances to stop
criminals, though none as dangerous as
Divide and Conquer. Most of the ones that
we faced during that time were fairly
small time, not even requiring the full
team. And much to Mike's annoyance, the
name Miracle Men had stuck and that was
what all the reporters and newspapers
were calling us.
At the moment though, I barely thought
about that, instead cuddling up next to
Beth on my bed and wondering what the
others would say if they knew about us.
Beth was all for telling them, but I wasn't
quite as ready to go public as that.
Besides, I told myself, it was our business,
not theirs.
“Very nice.” I told Beth, sitting up looking
at the vibrator that she'd just introduced
me to.
However, I knew that it wouldn't take the
place of my own missing equipment.
Sure, my new parts felt great in bed, but I
still would have preferred my old ones.
Then at least I'd be able to do to Beth
what I really wanted to do to her.
“Just wait until I bring in the strap-on
tomorrow.” Beth purred. I winced, not
sure to be looking forward to it or
dreading it.
I sighed, “I hope Mike isn't still mad at
“Why should he be?” Beth asked, “I mean,
it's not like we didn't know that you were
going to be the star. Not looking like who
you do.”
“Yeah, but I don't really like being the
star as you call it.” I reminded Beth. “I
like being able to help people with these
powers, but I could really do without all
the attention. It's kind of embarrassing.”
Beth just chuckled. “Too bad. After all, if
you've got it, flaunt it.”
“Easy for you to say.” I mutter. “You've
always been a girl.”
Not to mention the fact that she was, or
at least had been a Goth. The baggy
clothes and heavy makeup had definitely
not been designed to flaunt her
attractiveness, though she had avoided
both since we got together. I wasn't sure
if I could even call her a Goth anymore,
though she was definitely a lot cuter.
I let out a sigh as Beth ran a finger
around my nipples, loving how that felt.
It amazed me just how quickly I could get
used to that at least, but then again, Beth
and Sabrina had been doing just about
everything that they could to welcome me
to the ‘girl club' as they called it and help
me adjust.
Then suddenly there was a beeping
sound, making us both jump up and look
around. It was coming from our beepers,
which were sitting on my nightstand.
“Shit!” we both cried out at once.

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